Friday, April 13, 2012

Welcome to the World of a Porker

Hello all!  This is officially my first posting on a blog that I've been meaning to write for the last 6 that's about food, wine, beer, and whatever else that crosses my mind.  In the off chance that someone is actually going to read this (seriously, my biggest fear is that my only readers will be my mother and my boyfriend), I suppose I should tell you a bit about myself. I'm a 26 year old professional, with a Bachelor's in English (no I'm not a teacher, nor have I ever wanted to be).  My hobbies, now that I seriously consider it, are actually eating, drinking wine and beer, cooking, and talking about eating, drinking wine and beer, and cooking. Lol.

I don't want to make this first entry too lengthy. And until I get some more cash (come on payday!) I won't be going anywhere particularly interesting, or interesting enough to share with you guys.  So in the meantime, I will list below the food/drink items that are my April favorites!

April Favorites:

1. Apothic Red Wine

 Apothic Red Wine, which is a blend of Syrah, Zinfandel, and Merlot.  Seriously, this is one of the best-tasting inexpensive reds, especially if you're someone who is just entering the world of red wines. Plenty of people find reds to be daunting, but this blend is the perfect combo of slightly sweet and earthy flavors. In fact, I'm now considering making a liquor store run....good thing there's one right downstairs from my apartment :-)

2. The Swine

Yes, that is a picture of a pig. And yes, I am aware that you are probably judging me right now and calling me a fat ass.  But I've had too many delicious encounters with this creature in just this month alone to leave it out! From the pork-belly burger at the Burger Bar, to the deep fried pork knuckle at Isla Pilipina, and the pork belly in kuromitsu sauce at Sushi Samba Rio.....mmmm!!!! I mean damn! But don't you worry, I will definitely be returning to those spots soon so I can give you graphic, porky pics and mouth-watering descriptions. :-)

3.  The Hunger Games Series

Well, I WAS an English major - I had to include my literary faves as well!

Until next time lovelies! Happy eating :-)

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